Social Service Group

To mobilise people for social service  

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                              SOCIAL SERVICE GROUP



                                     OUR PROGRAM


To provide food, clothes, shelter, medicines, and affection to the sick and suffering.


To participate in the disaster management/ relief operations at the time of natural and manmade calamities such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, epidemics, wars, riots, disturbances, strikes, fire accidents, road accidents etc


To strive for the welfare of physically challenged, blind, deaf, dumb, mentally retorted, lepers, AIDS patients, destitute, child labor


To strive for the welfare of the people living in rural/urban slums.


To provide free education, medical facilities, training in employment skills and opportunities to the poor.


To strive for Rural Development,


To establish no profit-no loss cooperative business units for the benefit of people.


To invent new inventions for the benefit of people.


To impart latest science and technology to the people.


To undertake study and research in various fields which are beneficial to the people.


To inculcate and propagate fellowship, peaceful, harmonious happy social relations without hatred and violence.


To practice universalism.


To encourage community participation for rendering social service.


To organize student and youth wings at schools, colleges, universities.


To train the members/students/youth/people on personality development and leadership.


To publish literature and organize cultural activities to propagate social service philosophy and programs.


To recognize social activists, who are rendering meritorious social service.


To establish and maintain mutual cooperation and understanding among other persons and organizations with similar objectives.


To organize campaigns on :


Reforms in education system

Reforms in legal system

Total literacy/adult education/non formal education


Immunization/pulse polio

Blood grouping/donation

Eye donation

Family planning


Environmental awareness

Traffic safety

Anti corruption

Anti alcoholism                   

Anti smoking

Anti drugs

Moral values and good culture

Good human relations

Gender sensitization

Women protection

Anti child labor

Anti caste fanaticism

Anti religious fundamentalism

Anti regional and linguistic chauvinism

 Animal rights

Work culture

Fuel saving

Anti ragging

Violence and Obscenity in films

And other issues of public interest